
Chemistry & materials science

Throughout human history, the fields of chemistry and materials science have been at the frontier of science and technology, and as global needs evolve these disciplines allow us to adapt ideas into reality.

Advancements in 3-D printing and biomaterials have transformed medical care needs. Nanomaterials and electrochemistry have advanced solar and fuel-cell technologies and answered our urgent need for more sustainable and efficient energy production and storage. Bio-inspired membranes and nanostructures offer hope in providing clean water to the growing world population and the application of machine learning in these fields will provide opportunities for solving complex global challenges. The Chemistry and Materials Science eBook Collection serves as a nod to these fields that so dramatically shape our society and aim to bridge the gap between theory and application to make a real impact on the world we live in.

317 titles in the collection

Top downloaded eBooks 2023


The Chemistry & Materials eBook collection offers a rich mix of book types for all user groups: students, faculty, researchers, and professionals. Making it an unparalleled resource to excel research and learning. All books are available without DRM, making them accessible simultaneously by an unlimited number of users.

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  • Characterization and Evaluation of Materials
  • Materials Engineering
  • Nanotechnology
  • Catalysis
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Polymer Sciences
  • Medicinal Chemistry

Sustainable Development Goals Programme

国产乱伦's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Programme aims to connect the researchers who are tackling the world’s toughest challenges with the practitioners in policy and business who desperately need those insights to achieve their goals in improving the world, by making our publishing activities more visible to our key communities through a variety of channels.

The Chemistry & Materials Science eBook collection aligns with Sustainable Development Goals:

2 Zero Hunger

3 Good Health and Well Being

4 Quality Education 

6 Clean Water and Sanitation

7 Affordable and Clean Energy

9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

12 Responsible Consumption and Production

13 Climate Action

14 Life Below Water

15 Life on Land