
97% of transferred authors rate us excellent or good

The Source
By: Scott Epstein, Tue Apr 6 2021

(And authors who didn’t transfer liked us, too.)

Scott Epstein

Author: Scott Epstein

We’ve written before about how our Transfer Desk works and what we think the experience is like for our authors. But the real proof is in what our authors say. And because we both want to learn how to improve, and also get honest feedback from our authors—our customers—we survey every author offered a transfer (whether they accept the offer or not). 

So what did we learn in 2020? We surveyed nearly 50,000 authors—about half of whom accepted the transfer offer and half declined.


Transfer Desk © Pixabay

Authors accepting a transfer offer overwhelmingly liked the service—with 97% rating us as excellent or good, and 76% saying they would accept a transfer offer in the future. But the result that really struck us was that 76% of authors declining a transfer offer rated our Editorial Submission Advisors as excellent or good—for a service they chose not to use!

But part of why we have the survey is to learn what we can do to improve. And based on the feedback we’ve received, we are making some improvements to our service. These include:

  • Giving more information about the journals we suggest, including things like time to first decision, overall author satisfaction, and more
  • Offering more destination journals to choose from
  • Working to better fit the journals we suggest to individual authors’ needs

If you want to learn more, read the more detailed write-up. You can also learn more about the Transfer Desk, and read more blog posts (like this one) about it!

Scott Epstein

Author: Scott Epstein

Before moving to Author Experience and Services, Scott Epstein marketed journals and books across all of ¹ú²úÂÒÂ×, including Springer’s materials science and physics books and journals, and BMC and SpringerOpen’s largest math and materials science journals.