
Open access agreements for individual institutions

Information for authors

To support authors in publishing open access (OA), ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× partners with institutions globally to provide flexible agreements that help cover OA publication costs (known as article processing charges, or APCs). These agreements allow authors from eligible institutions to publish in ¹ú²úÂÒÂ×’s fully OA journals across BMC, Springer, Discover, Palgrave Macmillan and the Nature portfolio with financial support from their institution.

Depending on the terms of the agreement, your institution may offer:

  • Full APC coverage - 100% of the APC is paid by the institution
  • A percentage discount - e.g. 10% off the list price APC
  • Fixed price coverage - e.g. up to €1,000 paid by the institution

Participating institutions A-Z by country

Explore existing institutional agreements below - note the ''✓'' for which journal brands are included in the agreement. For more information on your institution's criteria and journal selection, please reach out to your librarian.


InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Australian Catholic University Limited






La Trobe University






Monash University






The University of Newcastle (Australia)






University of South Australia






Victoria University






Western Sydney University







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Graz University of Technology






TU Wien (TUW)






University of Innsbruck and Medical University of Innsbruck






University of Vienna







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Escola Nacional de Saude Publica Sergio Arouca






Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Concordia University






Dalhousie University






Health Systems Global






Simon Fraser University






Université de Montréal






Université Laval






University of British Columbia






University of Manitoba






University of Saskatchewan






University of Toronto






University of Waterloo






University of Windsor






Health Canada







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

National Institute of Parasitic Diseases China






The Chinese University of Hong Kong






University of Macau







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Universidad del Rosario







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Copenhagen University






Danish Air Ambulance






The Prehospital Medical Emergency Services






University of Southern Denmark







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare






University of Oulu (including Oulu University Hospital)







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Institut Pasteur







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Albatros Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs GmbH






Bayer AG






Elanco Animal Health GmbH







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Birla Institute of Technology and Science






Datta Meghe Institute of Higher Education 






Manipal University Jaipur






National Centre for Biological Sciences






Siksha 'O' Anusandhan






SRM Institute of Science & Technology 






Symbiosis International University






Vellore Institute of Technology







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Universitas Gadjah Mada







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Weizmann Institute of Science







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Centro di Riferimento Oncologico Aviano IRCCS






Unità Sanitaria Locale of Cinzia Storchi






Università degli Studi di Milano






Università degli Studi di Milano - Bicocca






Università degli Studi di Padova






Università degli Studi di Torino






University of Brescia







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Tokyo Women's Medical University







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Clinical Research Centre Malaysia






Universiti Malaysia Sarawak






University of Padjadjaran







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

NIVEL - The Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research






University Medical Center Rotterdam (Erasmus MC)






University of Groningen






University of Twente






New Zealand

InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

University of Auckland







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

NTNU – The Norwegian University of Science and Technology






UiB University of Bergen, Norway






UiT The Arctic University of Norway







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Unidade Local de Saúde de Coimbra






South Africa

InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

North-West University






Stellenbosch University






TB/HIV Care Association






South Korea

InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Catholic University of Korea






Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine Clinical Research Division






Korea University Medical Library






KyungHee University Medical Center






Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)






Seoul National University






Sookmyung Womens University






Yonsei University Health System







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)






Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC)






FIIBAP Fundación para la Investigación e Innovación Biosanitaria de Atención






Fundación Vasca de Innovación e Investigación Sanitaria (BIOEF)






IDIAP Jordi Gol






Instituto de Salud Carlos III






Servei Català de la Salut












Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria






Universidad Pública de Navarra






Universitat Pompeu Fabra







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Aarau Cantonal Hospital






ETH Zürich (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich)






Novartis Pharma AG






Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich






University of Basel






University of Geneva






ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Academia Sinica






National Cheng Kung University






National Health Research Institutes (NHRI)






National Taiwan Normal University






National Taiwan University






National Tsing Hua University






Taipei Medical University






Trinidad and Tobago

InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

University of the West Indies







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

British American Tobacco Group Research & Development Centre






RESYST Consortium






Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust






Wellcome Sanger Institute







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Boston College






Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard






Brown University






Centre for Disease Control






Clemson University






Florida International University






Fogarty International Center Center for Global Health Studies






Georgia Institute of Technology






Houston Methodist TMC






Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai






Indiana University at Bloomington






Ionis Pharmaceuticals






J. Craig Venter Institute






Johns Hopkins University






Kaiser Permanente






Konkuk University Hospital






Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory






Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)






MD Anderson Cancer Center






Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center






Montana State University






New England Biolabs






New York College of Podiatric Medicine






New York University (NYU)






Northeastern University USA






Oakland University






Ohio University






Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine






PIH Health






Princeton University






Purdue University






RAND Corporation






Rice University






Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center






Sage Bionetworks






Samuel Merritt University - SCELC






Stanford University






Stowers Institute for Medical Research






SUNY Upstate Medical University






Syracuse University






Temple University






Texas A&M University






Texas Woman's University






University of Arizona






University of Delaware






University of Denver






University of Florida






University of Georgia






University of Houston






University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign






University of Iowa






University of Massachusetts Amherst






University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School






University of Michigan






University of Minnesota Twin Cities






University of North Texas






University of Notre Dame (Hesburgh Library)






University of Tennessee






University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA)






University of Washington






Vanderbilt University






Virginia Tech






Washington State University






Wayne State University






West Virginia University






Yale University







InstitutionsBioMed CentralNature PortfolioPalgrave MacmillanSpringerDiscover

Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas - IVIC







Who is considered the corresponding author?

The corresponding author is defined as the person who handles the manuscript and correspondence during the publication process – from manuscript correction and proof reading, to handling the revisions and re-submission of revised manuscripts up to the acceptance of the manuscripts. 

The corresponding author has the authority to act on behalf of all co-authors in all matters pertaining to publication of the manuscript including supplementary material. They are also responsible for obtaining such agreements and for informing the co-authors of the manuscript’s status throughout the submission, review and publication process. 

In addition, the corresponding author acts as the point of contact for any enquiries after the paper is published.

How can I identify myself as an eligible author?

When you submit, use at least one of the below methods of recognition.

Agreement author identification img © ¹ú²úÂÒÂ×

Upon acceptance of your article, you'll also be prompted to provide your institutional affiliation.

How do I know if my article has been approved?

The approval manager at your institution will approve your article's eligibility based on your institutional affiliation, article title and journal name.

Once your article is approved by your institution, you will be notified by email and your article will proceed to publication.

What if I'm not covered by the agreement?

There are still plenty of ways to find funding for your article processing charge (APC). Visit our open access funding page to check whether your institution or research funder makes OA funding available.

How do I know if my article is eligible?

If your article has the structure of a standard article and contains original research, it should be eligible. This will be approved by your institution.

Is this the same as Springer Compact?

Springer Compact is a read and publish agreement covering Springer hybrid journals. To find a list of participating institutions and eligible journals, please visit .

Is this the same as ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× membership?

¹ú²úÂÒÂ× membership is applicable to BMC and SpringerOpen journals only, and does not apply to any Nature.com, Palgrave Macmillan, or Springer hybrid journals.

Over 500 institutions are part of ¹ú²úÂÒÂ×’s membership program for journals in the BMC and SpringerOpen portfolios. Member institutions actively support open access by arranging fully-prepaid or discounted APCs for their affiliated researchers. To check if your institution is a member, please visit our membership pages for and .

Who can I contact for more information? 

Please email us at oa.verification@springernature.com if you need further assistance.

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