
How ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× helps you

19 author services to know in 2019

Helping you get your research into as many hands as possible as quickly as possible: That's our mission—that's advancing discovery. To help you do that, we offer a range of author services and tools for every stage of the whole process—from writing, to submission, to review, and to helping broadcast your work after publication.

Writing your research

Author and reviewer tutorials

A and R Tutorials © Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash​â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹â¶Ä‹

Free, multi-language tutorials feature interactive quizzes with insightful advice and detailed materials to help you write, submit, and publish your manuscript; learn about open access; learn about peer review (for both getting your work reviewed, and for becoming a better reviewer); and avoid common mistakes when writing in English.


English language editing

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If English isn’t your first language—there’s help. Through our English editing service, we’ll provide you with editors who will correct language errors, rephrase sentences that sound unnatural, and make your style sound more professional. Simply upload your document to our website and it will be edited by an editor who specializes in the subject area. Prices start at $244 with delivery in 5 business days.

Journal suggester

Journal Suggester © Photo by timothy muza on Unsplash

Just enter your article's title, keywords, and abstract, and let our advanced algorithm do the rest.

Open research

Open access journals

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¹ú²úÂÒÂ× is the world's leading open access publisher. Including pure open access publications from BMC, Nature Partner Journals, Nature Communications, Scientific Reports, and related journals; to open access books; and to our Open Choice option for publishing open access in the vast majority of our subscription journals.

Open access journals

Open access books

OA books © Photo by Annelies Geneyn on Unsplash

Get the highest visibility for your research when you publish your book open access. Benefit from high quality service through our rigorous peer review, increased visibility via SpringerLink and the Directory of Open Access Books, and maximum reuse with a CC BY 4.0 license. 

Open access books

Open access funding support

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Easily discover and apply for open access funding with our open access support service. Get personalized information and support to guide you through the OA funding process.

Open access funding support

Submitting your manuscript



Your ORCiD iD—As unique as you.

Ensure your work is always appropriately recognized when you register and use your ORCiD iD. 

ORCiD iD details

Transfer desk

Transfer Desk © Photo by Samuel Chenard on Unsplash

We can help take the hassle out of your re-submissions. Our Editorial Advisors help find your article its best home, and can help transfer your article, and files, and sometimes reviewer reports, too.

Transfer desk

Book manuscript submission

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Manuscript uploading made easy! The book submission portal offers an easy and safe way to upload final book manuscript files to our book production system.

During editing and production

Open peer review

Open Peer Review © Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Several ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× journals now feature open peer review. With open peer review, some journals publish the complete, signed reviewer reports alongside the article itself, so everyone can see how reviewers evaluated the article, and how it evolved during revisions. Other journals, including Nature Communications, can publish the complete reviewer reports (with the authors' permission), with attribution (with the reviewers' permission). 

Learn more:

In Review

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In Review gives you insight over your manuscript's peer review process. Currently available for BMC Anesthesiology, BMC Neurology, BMC Ophthalmology, and Trials (with more journals coming soon), you can track your article's progress, see reviewer reports, share your work, and more.

In Review service


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Stay up-to-date on the status of your book throughout the publication process with your MySpringer/MyPalgrave account. Download a free copy of your eBook and purchase all other ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× books at a 40% discount.

After publication



Our commitment to content sharing.

¹ú²úÂÒÂ× wants researchers to share content easily and legally. Our ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× SharedIt content-sharing initiative means that links to view-only, full-text subscription research articles can be posted anywhere—including on social media platforms, author websites and in institutional repositories—so researchers can share research with colleagues and general audiences.

SharedIt details

Video abstracts


A unique way to increase the visibility of your research to a broader audience. Watch your research come to life with video abstracts. (Additional cost involved.)

Research data support

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We believe that data sharing speeds discovery and its benefits to society. To help you share your data, we have a range of tools and support services that helps you through the process. We invite you to explore:

Research data support

Data policies

Data helpdesk


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Bookmetrix is a unique platform that offers you a comprehensive overview of the reach, usage and readership of your book or chapter by providing various book-level and chapter-level metrics all in one place.

In their own words

Microphone © Shutterstock


Discover how storytelling can help communicate the value and impact of your research. We help authors tell the stories of their work, in person and in podcast with ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× Storytellers, and in our online communities with our Behind the Paper series.

Book author badges

Author Badges © Photo by Ethan Hoover on Unsplash

Download it, stick it to your website or place it in your email signature and hyperlink it to your book. Use your author badge to promote your book.

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