
Self-archiving and manuscript deposition

Self-archiving of books and chapters published open access

Book and chapter authors who have published via the paid open access option are encouraged to deposit the final published PDF in their institutional repository or any suitable subject repository on publication.

Authors should include a link to the published book or chapter on SpringerLink when they deposit the content in a repository; in all cases, the requirement to link to the publisher’s website is designed to protect the integrity and authenticity of the scientific record, with the online published version on the publisher’s website clearly identified as the definitive version of record.

Authors are advised to check their funders' deposition requirements to ensure compliance. Read our OA Policy FAQs to learn about how book and chapter authors can ensure they meet funder self-archiving requirements

Publisher deposition of books published open access

¹ú²úÂÒÂ× deposits the full text of all open access books and chapters in the  on behalf of the authors.  We also deposit all books and chapters funded by the Wellcome Trust in , and will submit other titles in relevant subject areas on request.

Self-archiving of books and chapters published non-open access

Our policies on self-archiving of books and chapters which have been published via the non-open access route can be found below.

Authors whose book or chapter is accepted for non-OA publication are permitted to self-archive a portion of the accepted manuscript (AM) on their own personal website, and/or in their funder or institutional repositories, for public release after an embargo period (see the table below). The AM is defined as the version of the work after the contract is signed, publication is approved, and final editorial and peer review (where applicable) is complete. The AM is not the Version of Record (VOR) and does not reflect post-acceptance and post-publication improvements on behalf of the Publisher, such as copyediting, typesetting, any amendments and corrections.

Accepted manuscript terms of use 

The amount of the AM, or AM chapter can be deposited after first online publication; subject to ¹ú²úÂÒÂ×’s AM terms of use and the criteria in the table below.


Deposition terms







Accepted manuscript

Embargo length after publication*

Version of MS that can be deposited

Amount of AM that can be deposited

Creative commons/ Open licence permitted?

Institutional or funder repository***

Author’s own personally maintained website

Commercial scholarly networks

Authored works

12 months


Up to 10%





Edited works

12 months


Author's own chapter**





Proceedings papers

12 months


Author's own paper**



Yes (immediately on acceptance)


* Authors may make a closed deposit on acceptance, provided the embargo periods above are adhered to for public release.
** Each contributor to an edited work may archive up to one chapter per volume (provided they are the author or a co-author of such chapter). Please note that any linking, collection or aggregation of chapters from the same volume is strictly prohibited.
*** Excludes commercial scholarly sharing networks (e.g. ResearchGate, Academia.edu, Mendeley).
****Deposition of the amount of AM or AM chapter to author’s own personally maintained website is permitted immediately on acceptance for proceedings papers.

Where authors are not able to meet their funder or institution’s requirements for self-archiving by publishing via the non-OA route, they are advised to look into options for publishing open access before submitting, and indicating their requirements at the proposal/submission. Authors should check funding availability from their funders and institutions. Authors can speak to their Editors or ¹ú²úÂÒÂ×'s Funding Support Service for advice on meeting their funders’ and institutions’ OA policy requirements.


In addition to the above policy, which applies to the accepted manuscript (AM), authors may deposit a portion of the preprint in a recognised preprint server such as arXiv, biorXiv, or RePEc. The preprint means the version of the author’s manuscript prior to acceptance for publication which has not undergone editorial and/or peer review on behalf of the Publisher (when applicable). Preprints must not be archived/deposited under a Creative Commons licence, such as a CC BY licence.  See the below table for details of the amount of work and location allowances for preprint deposition.

Preprint Deposition terms       Location  


Deposition time

Amount of preprint that can be deposited

Creative commons/Open licence permitted?

Author’s own personally maintained website

Legally compliant, non-commercial preprint server (e.g. arXiv, bioRxiv and RePEc)

Authored works

At any time

Up to 10%




Edited works

At any time

Author's own chapter*




Proceedings papers

At any time

Author's own paper*




* Please note that any linking, collection or aggregation of chapters from the same volume is strictly prohibited.

Other types of publication

- Books and chapters published under the Apress imprint and major reference works (MRWs) are not covered by this policy.

- For self-archiving policies applying to subscription journal articles please see our journal policy page.

- If you have any queries regarding this policy please contact us at oafundingpolicy@springernature.com.