
Journal Launch: Sustainability Nexus Forum

The Source
By: Guest contributor, Thu May 4 2023

Author: Guest contributor

In January 2023 the journal Sustainability Nexus Forum (SNF) was launched. In this blog post the editorial team – Prof. Edeltraud Guenther (Editor-in-Chief), Prof. Dirk Messner (Editor-in-Chief) and Dr. Saroj Kumar Chapagain (Managing Editor) - of SNF emphasize the need for a nexus perspective to achieve the global sustainability transformation. They also highlight the need for a forum to facilitate knowledge exchange among stakeholders from various sectors and policy levels.

What is the meaning of the journal’s title, SNF?

Sustainability Nexus Forum (SNF) has been derived from the three distinct words that entail the overall relevance of the journal. 

First, Sustainability has become increasingly important. The global sustainability transformation is laid out in the 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). To achieve the goals, there is a central challenge for inter- and transdisciplinary research and effective policy implementation.

Second, it is well understood that the sustainability transformative task is not possible with the traditional siloed approach.  It requires a nexus perspective that considers the interconnectedness of different groups, sectors, scales, and policy levels.

Third, the realization of the need for a Forum that serves as a valuable platform for exchanging knowledge and ideas among stakeholders from different sectors, scales, and policy levels. It enables stakeholders to engage in a two-way dialogue, debate and discuss issues related to sustainability and transformative efforts.

What is your understanding of Nexus?

The Nexus is an integrated approach that recognizes and leverages the interdependence between various actors, sectors, scales, and policy levels. By taking a systemic view, it transcends the conventional siloed approach in analysis and planning. Given the interconnected nature of the 17 SDGs and their associated targets, attaining them involves balancing synergies and trade-offs. The Nexus approach emphasizes the importance of collaboration and coordination at all levels, as a viable way to achieve the global sustainable transformation.

What information gap does SNF intend to fill? What sets it apart from other journals?

We are committed to the nexus approach and SNF aims to fill the gap in two ways. Firstly, by emphasizing the importance of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research for global sustainability transformation and secondly, by providing a lively platform to share, discuss on the research, findings, and practices in the sustainability transformation. 

SNF values comments and opinions of all parties (stakeholders) on sustainability discourse that promote discussion and debate, allowing a deeper understanding and refinement of the methodology and process, making it more relevant in its real-word application. This sets us apart from traditional journals.

Who can publish with SNF, and why should they be interested in this journal

This journal welcomes submissions from all contributors. At this early stage, the journal has set three types of publications: research articles, science policy perspectives, and commentaries and opinions, and mainly targeted for scholars, academics, policy makers, and practitioners, however, we respect the opinions of diverse audiences and will be happy to provide space for their opinions.

How would you define societal impact when it comes to research?

Ensuring societal impact remains a key focus for the SNF journal. We are committed to bringing about real change in society by breaking away the traditional siloed planning approaches and promoting a holistic integrated approach that emphasizes the need for a nexus thinking. We define societal impact as the meaningful difference that research findings or outcomes make towards achieving global sustainability. Through promoting fruitful discussions and debates, we strive to bring positive changes in society and are dedicated to making a real impact in the world.

How important is societal impact to your journal and why?

With the increasing incidence of global challenges, it has become clear that innovative and practical and doable solutions are much required. Our journal is committed to publishing evidence-based research findings that can be immediately applied to real-world problems. We believe that achieving societal impact is crucial to the success of our journal, and we strive to create practical and meaningful impacts on society.

Which UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) does this journal most closely relate to?

Overall, SNF leverages to contribute to all SGDs that advance global sustainability. Nevertheless, given the unique role of the SNF, we fall closely within the category of SDG17, which is intended to strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development.

What does public engagement look like in your field and how important do you think it is for researchers to make a societal impact with their work? 

Sustainability has become an increasingly important issue for the global community. It is well recognized that traditional siloed planning and management practices are not sufficient to address the complex and interconnected challenges that the world currently facing. Achieving sustainability requires integration, cooperation, and engagement of stakeholders at all levels and scales.  However, while this is recognized as crucial, stakeholder engagement is still limited and often challenging to implement. Through creating a more aware society, we are committed to addressing this gap and enhancing stakeholder involvement. The SNF emphasizes public engagement as crucial to achieving global sustainability transformation.

of research articles, science policy perspectives, and commentary and opinion papers related to these themes. Several are open for submission. 


Author: Guest contributor

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