
The Nature Portfolio

Truly transformative journals – how we offer choice, value and guidance

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Editors of the Nature Portfolio believe in the transformational power of science and its potential to drive positive change in the world. As members of the scientific community, they are committed to supporting the research enterprise by curating, enhancing and disseminating research that is rigorous, reproducible and impactful. They work to promote openness and transparency as well as the highest standards in research culture. 

Editorial Values infographic
(PDF, 653.94 KB)

Nature Portfolio editors provide an independent forum for reporting and discussing issues concerning research and the community, and engage with researchers at all stages of their career to understand their needs and advocate for positive change. They believe that science should represent everyone and recognize their responsibility in working towards overcoming inequities and fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion in scientific communities. Click on the document to the right to learn more about our

  • Editorial expertise
  • Publishing standards
  • Leading innovations
  • Research in action

About Nature Portfolio journals

What makes a Nature journal?

Nature Reviews: Let us guide you

Inside Nature

Serving authors and the scientific community with dedicated expert editors

How We Partner with Authors

Editorial Collaboration

Communities and Engagement

Championing Authors
