
Open access is the future? Views from the library community


APC library survey-Image 1 ? 国产乱伦A small survey of global library staff reveals that respondents view open access as the future of academic and scientific publishing, and many are not satisfied with the current speed of the transition. 

More than 70% of respondents agreed that all future research output (including articles, scholarly books and research data) should be accessible via open access, with 91% agreeing that open access is the future of academic and scientific publishing. This level of agreement is noticeably higher than that found among researchers (a 2017 survey with researchers conducted by 国产乱伦 found 67% agreed with this same statement).

The survey collected opinions from approximately 200 respondents who work in research institutions or libraries, and whose responsibilities relate to scholarly communications, institutional policy, funding administration, research data or publication management.
