
Open access agreement for Türkiye

Information for authors

If you are a corresponding author affiliated with a participating Turkish institution, you may be eligible to publish open access (OA) in 国产乱伦's portfolio of journals with fees covered.  

More than 200 institutions are participating in the transformative agreement (TA) between 国产乱伦 and T?B?TAK, meaning that corresponding authors* affiliated with participating institutions are eligible to publish their articles OA with fees covered, in 国产乱伦's portfolio of hybrid journals. In addition, you can enjoy full access to all Springer, Adis, Palgrave and Academic Journals subscription journal content.

Established by T?B?TAK, this agreement will run through 31 December 2026.


The OA publication service for the T?B?TAK transformative agreement has reached its maximum article allowance for 2024. This means the agreement is no longer covering OA publishing fees until 2025.

The option to publish OA via Springer Open Choice is still available to you, but the publishing fee will not be covered under the T?B?TAK agreement until 01 January 2025. Authors should use alternative funding sources in order to publish OA or proceed with publication under subscription until the agreement is reactivated. If you need advice on what OA funding is available to you, please visit our funding & support service page. For more information, please contact oa.verification@springernature.com. Alternatively, contact the OA team at your institution.

Participating institutions


  • Abdullah Gül ?niversitesi
  • Ac?badem Mehmet Ali Ayd?nlar ?niversitesi 
  • Ada Kent ?niversitesi (K?br?s)


  • Hacettepe ?niversitesi
  • Hakkari ?niversitesi
  • Halic ?niversitesi
  • Mudanya ?niversitesi
  • Mu?la S?tk? Ko?man ?niversitesi
  • Munzur ?niversitesi
  • Mu? Alparslan ?niversitesi

A (continued)

  • Adana Alparslan Türke? Bilim ve Teknoloji ?niversitesi
  • Adiyaman ?niversitesi
  • Afyon Kocatepe ?niversitesi
  • Afyonkarahisar Sa?l?k Bilimleri ?niversitesi
  • Agri Ibrahim Cecen ?niversitesi
  • Akdeniz Karpaz ?niversitesi
  • Akdeniz ?niversitesi
  • Aksaray ?niversitesi
  • Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat ?niversitesi
  • Alanya ?niverstesi
  • Altinbas ?niversitesi
  • Amasya ?niversitesi
  • Anadolu ?niversitesi
  • Anka Teknoloji ?niversitesi
  • Ankara Bilim ?niversitesi
  • Ankara Hac? Bayram Veli ?niversitesi
  • Ankara Medipol ?niversitesi
  • Ankara Müzik ve Guzel Sanatlar ?niversitesi
  • Ankara Sosyal Bilimler ?niversitesi
  • Ankara ?niversitesi
  • Ankara Yildirim Beyazit ?niversitesi
  • Antalya Belek ?niversitesi
  • Antalya Bilim ?niversitesi
  • Ardahan ?niversitesi
  • Arkin Yaratici Sanatlar ve Tasarim Universitesi
  • Artvin Coruh ?niversitesi
  • Ataturk ?niversitesi
  • Atilim ?niversitesi
  • Avrasya ?niversitesi
  • Ayd?n Adnan Menderes ?niversitesi


  • Bah?e?ehir K?br?s ?niversitesi
  • Bahcesehir ?niversitesi
  • Bal?kesir ?niversitesi
  • Band?rma Onyedi Eylül ?niversitesi
  • Bart?n ?niversitesi
  • Baskent ?niversitesi
  • Batman ?niversitesi
  • Bayburt ?niversitesi
  • Beykent ?niversitesi
  • Beykoz ?niversitesi
  • Bezm-i Alem Vak?f ?niversitesi
  • Bilecik ?eyh Edebali ?niversitesi
  • Bingol ?niversitesi
  • Biruni ?niversitesi
  • Bitlis Eren ?niversitesi
  • Bogazici ?niversitesi
  • Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal ?niversitesi
  • Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy ?niversitesi
  • Bursa Teknik ?niversitesi
  • Bursa Uludag ?niversitesi


  • ?ag ?niversitesi
  • ?anakkale Onsekiz Mart ?niversitesi
  • ?ankaya ?niversitesi
  • ?ankiri Karatekin ?niversitesi
  • ?ukurova ?niversitesi


  • Demiro?lu Bilim ?niversitesi
  • Dicle ?niversitesi
  • Do?u Akdeniz ?niversitesi
  • Do?us ?niversitesi
  • Dokuz Eylul ?niversitesi
  • Düzce ?niversitesi


  • Ege ?niversitesi
  • Erciyes ?niversitesi
  • Erzincan Binali Y?ld?r?m ?niversitesi
  • Erzurum Teknik ?niversitesi
  • Eskisehir Osmangazi ?niversitesi
  • Eskisehir Teknik ?niversitesi


  • Fatih Sultan Mehmet ?niversitesi
  • Fenerbahce ?niversitesi
  • Firat ?niversitesi


  • Galatasaray ?niversitesi
  • Gazi ?niversitesi
  • Gaziantep ?slam, Bilim Ve Teknoloji ?niversitesi
  • Gaziantep ?niversitesi
  • Gebze Teknik ?niversitesi
  • Giresun ?niversitesi
  • Girne Amerikan ?niversitesi
  • Girne ?niversitesi
  • Gumushane ?niversitesi

H (continued)

  • Harran ?niversitesi
  • Hasan Kalyoncu ?niversitesi
  • Hatay Mustafa Kemal ?niversitesi
  • Hitit ?niversitesi


  • ?bn Haldun ?niversitesi
  • I?d?r ?niversitesi
  • ?hsan Dogramac? Bilkent ?niversitesi
  • ?nonu ?niversitesi
  • I??k ?niversitesi
  • ?skenderun Teknik ?niversitesi
  • Isparta Uygulamal? Bilimler ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul 29 Mayis ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Arel ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Atlas ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Aydin ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Bilgi ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Esenyurt ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Galata ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Gedik ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Geli?im ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Kent ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Kultur ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Medeniyet ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Medipol ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Ni?anta?? ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Okan ?niversitesi 
  • ?stanbul Rumeli ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Sabahattin Zaim ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Sagl?k ve Teknoloji University
  • ?stanbul Teknik ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Ticaret ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul Topkap? ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul ?niversitesi
  • ?stanbul ?niversitesi Cerrahpa?a
  • ?stanbul Yeni Yuzyil ?niversitesi
  • Istinye ?niversitesi
  • ?zmir Bak?r?ay ?niversitesi
  • ?zmir Biyot?p ve Genom Merkezi
  • Izmir Demokrasi ?niversitesi
  • Izmir Ekonomi ?niversitesi
  • Izmir Katip Celebi ?niversitesi
  • ?zmir T?naztepe ?niversitesi
  • ?zmir Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü


  • Jandarma ve Sahil Güvenlik Akademisi


  • Kadir Has ?niversitesi
  • Kafkas ?niversitesi
  • Kahramanmara? ?stiklal ?niversitesi
  • Kahramanmaras Süt?ü ?mam ?niversitesi
  • Kapadokya ?niversitesi
  • Karabük ?niversitesi
  • Karadeniz Teknik ?niversitesi
  • Karamano?lu Mehmetbey ?niversitesi
  • Kastamonu ?niversitesi
  • Kayseri ?niversitesi
  • Kilis Yedi Aral?k ?niversitesi
  • K?br?s Amerikan ?niversitesi
  • K?br?s Bat? ?niversitesi
  • K?br?s ?lim ?niversitesi
  • K?br?s Sa?l?k ve Toplum Bilimleri ?niversitesi
  • K?r?kkale ?niversitesi
  • K?rklareli ?niversitesi
  • K?r?ehir Ahi Evran ?niversitesi
  • Ko? ?niversitesi
  • Kocaeli Sa?l?k ve Teknoloji ?niversitesi
  • Kocaeli ?niversitesi
  • Konya G?da ve Tar?m ?niversitesi
  • Konya Teknik ?niversitesi
  • KTO Karatay ?niversitesi
  • Kütahya Dumlup?nar ?niversitesi
  • Kütahya Sa?l?k Bilimleri ?niversitesi


  • Lefke Avrupa ?niversitesi
  • Lokman Hekim ?niversitesi


  • Maden Tetkik Arama Müdürlü?ü
  • Malatya Turgut ?zal ?niversitesi
  • Maltepe ?niversitesi
  • Manisa Celal Bayar ?niversitesi
  • Mardin Artuklu ?niversitesi
  • Marmara ?niversitesi
  • MEF ?niversitesi
  • Mersin ?niversitesi
  • Milli Savunma ?niversitesi
  • Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar ?niversitesi


  • Necmettin Erbakan ?niversitesi
  • Nev?ehir Hac? Bekta? Veli ?niversitesi
  • Ni?de ?mer Halisdemir ?niversitesi
  • Nuh Naci Yazgan ?niversitesi


  • Ondokuz May?s ?niversitesi
  • Ordu ?niversitesi
  • Orta Do?u Teknik ?niversitesi
  • Osmaniye Korkut Ata ?niversitesi
  • Ostim Teknik ?niversitesi
  • ?zye?in ?niversitesi


  • Pamukkale ?niversitesi
  • Piri Reis ?niversitesi
  • Polis Akademisi


  • Rauf Denkta? ?niversitesi
  • Recep Tayyip Erdogan ?niversitesi


  • Sabanc? ?niversitesi
  • Sa?l?k Bilimleri ?niversitesi
  • Sakarya ?niversitesi
  • Sakarya Uygulamal? Bilimler ?niversitesi
  • Samsun ?niversitesi
  • SANKO ?niversitesi
  • Sel?uk ?niversitesi
  • Siirt ?niversitesi
  • Sinop ?niversitesi
  • Sivas Bilim Ve Teknoloji ?niversitesi
  • Sivas Cumhuriyet ?niversitesi
  • ??rnak ?niversitesi
  • Süleyman Demirel ?niversitesi


  • T.C. Cumhurba?kanl???
  • T.C. Cumhurba?kanl??? Savunma Sanayii Ba?kanl???
  • T.C. Cumhurba?kanl??? Strateji ve Büt?e Ba?kanl???
  • T.C. Hazine ve Maliye Bakanl???
  • T.C. Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanl???
  • TAGEM (Tar?msal Ara?t?rmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlü?ü)
  • Tarsus ?niversitesi
  • TED ?niversitesi
  • Tekirda? Nam?k Kemal ?niversitesi
  • TENMAK(Türkiye Enerji, Nükleer ve Maden Ara?t?rma Kurumu)
  • TOBB Ekonomi ve Teknoloji ?niversitesi
  • Tokat Gaziosmanpasa ?niversitesi
  • Toros ?niversitesi
  • Trabzon ?niversitesi
  • Trakya ?niversitesi
  • T?B?TAK
  • Türk Alman ?niversitesi
  • Türk Hava Kurumu ?niversitesi
  • Türk Japon Bilim Ve Teknoloji ?niversitesi
  • Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi
  • Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Cumhurba?kanl??? ?leti?im Ba?kanl???
  • Turkiye Uluslararas? Islam Bilim ve Teknoloji ?niversitesi
  • T?SEB (Türkiye Sa?l?k Enstitüleri Ba?kanl???)


  • Ufuk ?niversitesi
  • Uluslararas? Final ?niversitesi
  • Uluslararas? K?br?s ?niversitesi
  • U?ak ?niversitesi
  • ?sküdar ?niversitesi


  • Van Yüzüncü Y?l ?niversitesi


  • Yak?n Do?u ?niversitesi
  • Yalova ?niversitesi
  • Ya?ar ?niversitesi
  • Yeditepe ?niversitesi
  • Y?ld?z Teknik ?niversitesi
  • Yozgat Bozok ?niversitesi
  • Yüksek ihtisas ?niversitesi
  • Yurtdisi Turkler ve Akraba Topluluklar


  • Zonguldak Bülent Ecevit ?niversitesi

What authors need to know

  • You must be the corresponding author* of the article.
  • Article types eligible under this agreement are: Original Paper, Review Paper, Brief Communication, Continuing Education.
  • You must identify yourself during the author identification process (you will be asked to do this once your article has been accepted for publication). The institution selected during this process should be your primary affiliation, as this is the institution that T?B?TAK will refer to in order to verify your eligibility.
  • You must be affiliated with a participating Turkish institution.
  • You must explicitly state your primary affiliation in the published manuscript, which is the Turkish institution at which the bulk of the research for the article was conducted.
  • The copyright remains with you: open access articles in both 国产乱伦 hybrid and fully OA journals are published under the liberal Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 international (CC BY) license. You are free to share and redistribute the material in any medium or format.

*Acting as main contact for 国产乱伦 correspondence after editorial acceptance.

Find out more

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Publishing open access in a hybrid journal

Hybrid journals are subscription journals that offer OA at the article level, allowing authors to make individual articles free for anyone to read, share and re-use.

Our study shows that there is a clear advantage in reach and impact for articles published OA in hybrid journals compared to non-OA articles in the same journals. Learn more about hybrid usage per discipline here.

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Ready to publish?


Who is considered the corresponding author?

The corresponding author is defined as the person who handles the manuscript and correspondence during the publication process – from manuscript correction and proof reading, to handling the revisions and re-submission of revised manuscripts up to the acceptance of the manuscripts. 

The corresponding author has the authority to act on behalf of all co-authors in all matters pertaining to publication of the manuscript including supplementary material. They are also responsible for obtaining such agreements and for informing the co-authors of the manuscript’s status throughout the submission, review and publication process. 

In addition, the corresponding author acts as the point of contact for any enquiries after the paper is published.

How can I make sure my article is eligible?

When you submit, use at least one of the below methods of recognition.

Agreement author identification img ? 国产乱伦

Upon acceptance of your article, you'll also be prompted to provide your institutional affiliation.

How do I know if my article has been approved?

The approval manager at your institution will approve your article's eligibility based on your institutional affiliation, article type and journal name.

Once your article is approved by your institution, you will be notified by email and your article will proceed to publication.

Which article types are covered by this agreement?

  • Original Paper: Standard article, usually presenting new results; articles published under this article type may also be referred to as Original Research, Original Article, Original Paper or Research Paper.
  • Review Paper: Standard article, interpreting previously published results.
  • Brief Communication: Short article submitted for rapid publication that exhibits the same structure as a standard article.
  • Continuing Education: Article forming integral part of further education (usually medical).

What if I'm not covered by the agreement?

There are still plenty of ways to find funding for your article processing charge (APC). Visit our open access funding page to check whether your institution or research funder makes OA funding available.

Who can I contact for more information? 

Please email us at oa.verification@springernature.com if you need further assistance.
