
Video & Audio Inside

Our books with “VIDEO INSIDE” or “AUDIO INSIDE” contain videos and audio content, which can be seamlessly accessed from within all our book formats: they stream on our online reading platform SpringerNatureLink, are linked in our ebook formats, and can be accessed from within our print books, using the SN More Media app. Enhancing the book content with videos and audio can on many occasions explain important content in a better way through visual and auditory demonstrations, are more engaging, and can give the book a more personal touch.

Books with video and audio content stand out from the competition and for our readers they provide a more satisfying, effective and motivating learning and content consumption experience.

Features of SN More Media App

  • Stream videos to your android or iOS device
  • Available in Google & Apple app stores
  • Optimised for both smartphone and tablet
  • Free download, no ads
  • Keep track of your recently accessed media
  • Available in English and German

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