
Advancing discovery¡ªby offering a range of options and the best help

The Source
By: Scott Epstein, Tue May 28 2019
Scott Epstein

Author: Scott Epstein

Did you know? ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× can offer you a wide range of journals in which to publish your research¡ªfrom journals that serve close-knit research communities to ones that reach broad audiences¡ªand can help you transfer your manuscript between many of them, if your first choice for some reason doesn¡¯t work out?

Since July 2018, the ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× Transfer Desk has helped more than 12,000 authors find suitable journals for their work, saving them time and effort in helping get their results out to the world. And although not all those authors took up the transfer offer, the vast majority have shown their appreciation¡ª96% of those who transferred have rated their experience as a 7 out of 10. (Even many authors who ended up declining the transfer offer still appreciated our efforts¡ªwith 37% rating the service as a 7 out of 10.)

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The ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× Transfer Desk is staffed by human subject area experts familiar with the fields we publish in, and with the journals we publish in those fields. They (sometimes supplemented by AI*) work to help find the most suitable journal for manuscripts, if they¡¯ve been rejected by the author¡¯s first choice. And if you accept a transfer offer (you always have the option to pick a participating ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× journal of your choice, or to not take the offer), the Transfer Editors will help you move your files and other metadata and material to the new journal.

Right now, the Transfer Desk works on journals that use the Editorial Manager submission/review system¡ªso that means almost all Springer, BMC, and SpringerOpen-branded journals, plus Scientific Reports. (We can also offer direct transfers between Nature Research journals. More functionality is coming, so watch this space.)

And here are some of the things your fellow researchers are saying about the Transfer Desk:

If you want to learn more about the ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× Transfer Desk, follow the link!

*At times of high submission volume, we will sometimes use an algorithm to help match you with an alternate journal, rather than leave you waiting.

Scott Epstein

Author: Scott Epstein

Before moving to Author Experience and Services, Scott Epstein marketed journals and books across all of ¹ú²úÂÒÂ×, including Springer¡¯s materials science and physics books and journals, and BMC and SpringerOpen¡¯s largest math and materials science journals.