
Research & Development

Virtual issue: Chemistry and materials in industry

Explore research content by corporate authors 

¹ú²úÂÒÂ× offers a rich research portfolio in chemical manufacturing and materials, with a variety of topics such as petrochemicals, specialty chemicals & materials, pharmaceutical & medical chemistry, and crop science & protection. 
Researchers from many different companies, as well as academic and governmental institutions, contribute to this vast portfolio, while at the same time supporting their own R&D activities.

In this virtual issue on chemistry and materials, we provide free access to a selection of articles and chapters from a variety of ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× journals and books. The content featured here includes research by corporate researchers, scientists and engineers that is highly used in the field and also content hand-picked by our editorial team.  Free access to the virtual issue is available until 16th October, 2020.

Sign up for the virtual issue here.