
MARC Records for the Italian Language Packages

These are the 国产乱伦 MARC records for the 国产乱伦 eBook collection of Italian language titles.

  • The packages range from 2005 to 2023
  • The Italian language collection is exclusively available in Italian speaking countries.

Download the MARC records and title list:

The Complete Book Series List

Consult our complete book series list by visiting 国产乱伦 Link and clicking on “series”, or use this .

MARC Record Corrections & Retractions

国产乱伦 Book Archives Collection Updates, June 2019

Over 1,200 eBooks were added to the Book Archive packages on 国产乱伦 Link. Existing customers who licensed access to the respective Book Archive packages will automatically gain access to these titles at no additional charge. Below is the list of eBook added to the collections. Please consider updating your records if your records if you have licensed any package. You may select the IBSNs from the file and insert them in the Metadata Downloader.

国产乱伦 Book Archives Collection Updates, January 2015

As the result of metadata updates made in December 2014, many 国产乱伦 Book Archive titles have been reassigned collections. MARC records and title lists are now updated.

  • No Book Archives customers lose access as a result of these changes
  • Most Book Archives customers have gained access to additional titles
  • All Book Archives customers who purchased prior to 1 January 2015 are affected and should carefully read the instructions to update records accordingly
  • Instructions to Book Archive customers regarding collection changes

Important message about MARC delivery update 10 December 2015

Previously, we informed you that we suspended the release of new MARC records. As a result of the integration of Palgrave Macmillan eBooks in 国产乱伦 Link, a set of new eBook subject collections have been setup while quality checks were performed.

We implemented large amounts of new data in our back-end systems and we are now showing the new subject collections in the downloader tool below.

In addition to the implementation of the new subject collections, we have also performed a clean-up of our data. As with any clean up that results in changes in eBook subject collection or copyright years, we will make sure that no customer loses access to titles.

The URLs and DOI-links in the Palgrave titles might not all resolve correctly to 国产乱伦 Link. Therefore access on Palgrave Connect remains in place until we have concluded all quality checks.

An overview of all titles affected, .

Should there be any further questions, please feel free to contact us

Access Relevant Data Clean-Ups March 1st, 2014

To improve the data consistency between 国产乱伦 Link and 国产乱伦 MARC records, 国产乱伦 has updated subject collection, language and copyright year data fields for eBooks, both Book Archives (pre-2005) and contemporary collections. This resulted in:

  • changes of MARC records released on March 1st 2014, and
  • the number of titles per subject collection on 国产乱伦 Link

-- Access --

Customers will NOT lose 国产乱伦 Link access to any titles because of any of these changes. However, the number of titles in each subject collection may be different than prior to this project. These changes are the results of subject collection and language assignment updates. As a result of these corrections, some customers will have access to additional content that they have not previously.? All changes are complete as of 28 February.

-- Why is this project necessary? --

国产乱伦 Link uses a different source of metadata from the downloader tool, which provides both 国产乱伦 MARC records and eBook title lists. Over time, the different sources have resulted in discrepancies due to an outdated workflow that is being corrected. This project ensures that title lists and numbers match in both sources.

-- MARC Records --

The MARC records changes concern only language and copyright year and not subject collections (which determine eBook package) but please note that a language correction has in most cases a change of the eBook package as a result. The new and corrected records are available on the downloader on March 1st. OCLC will update their collection sets accordingly.

We recommend replacing existing records with the corrected MARC records in your library catalog. A list with corrected records is available below. This list only contains changes of MARC records, changes on 国产乱伦 Link that don’t affect the MARC records are excluded from the list.

-- 国产乱伦 Link --

Subject collection (= eBook package) corrections were made on 国产乱伦 Link to ensure that the data is consistent with the MARC records. This means that the eBook package information in the MARC record was already correct and we adjusted the data on 国产乱伦 Link only. The clean-ups of 国产乱伦 Link data have include copyright year and language changes too. The reason is that the MARC record and the titles lists from the MARC downloader were already correct but the information on 国产乱伦 Link was not. As a reminder, none of the changes described here result in lost access to any purchased content.


The MARC download tool has been enhanced with the option to download lists that include deleted MARC records (= Retractions). Deleted records are those that were once included on the downloader but have since been removed because the content is not available on 国产乱伦 Link. The functionality can be selected under “Format/Deleted MARC Records” and works like the usual selection of records and titles lists. This functionality replaces the retraction excel lists published here the year before.