
Reviewing a manuscript

Peer reviewing on Snapp

We've created a streamlined peer review system within Snapp that guides you through the process.

You're invited to review based on your expertise in the field. Your feedback will help authors improve their work and help journal editors in making a final decision.

Invitation to review

The editor of the journal emails you with an invitation to review.

  • Editors match reviewers to articles based on previous publications, and expertise in the area.
  • The manuscript details are contained in the invitation email.

To accept or decline the invitation follow the link in the email.

If you decline, you can tell us why you're not able to accept this time. You can also provide details of alternative reviewers.

You will be able to see whether your review will be published with the article (transparent peer review).

Reviewing step by step

Getting recognition for your work

We appreciate the time you put into peer reviewing for us and want your contribution to be recognised.

  • When you've submitted your review, we send you an email with a copy of your review report.