
Economics & Finance

Money makes the world go round. Questions about how it flows, who gets what, and what it is used for fundamentally affect the lives of everyone on the planet – and indeed the future of the planet itself. It is hard to think of any aspect of human society that is untouched by economics and finance.

The Springer eBook Collection in Economics & Finance brings together top quality research across the whole field, from the hard, analytical world of econometrics to subtle, critical evaluations of economic history, from studies of the behaviour of individual economic actors or financial markets, to the wide-ranging macro sphere of global economies and public finance. The collection also comprises exciting, interdisciplinary research across the United Nations’ SDGs, particularly as they look at economic growth and inequality. The ¹ú²úÂÒÂ× eBook Collection in Economics and Finance brings together top quality research across the whole field, from the hard, analytical world of econometrics to subtle, critical evaluations of economic history, from studies of the behaviour of individual economic actors or financial markets, to the wide-ranging macro sphere of global economies and public finance. The collection also comprises exciting, interdisciplinary research across the United Nations’ SDGs, particularly as they look at economic growth and inequality.

473 titles in the collection

Top downloaded eBooks 2023


The Economics & Finance eBook collection offers a rich mix of book types for all user groups: students, faculty, researchers, and professionals. Making it an unparalleled resource to excel research and learning. All books are available without DRM, making them accessible simultaneously by an unlimited number of users.


  • Development Economics 
  • Macroeconomics
  • Economic and Financial History 
  • Heterodox Economics 
  • Political Economy

Emerging fields

  • Behavioral Economics 
  • Transition Economics and Economics of Emerging Markets 
  • Ethics and Corporate Social 
  • Responsibility in Finance

Sustainable Development Goals Programme

¹ú²úÂÒÂ×'s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Programme aims to connect the researchers who are tackling the world’s toughest challenges with the practitioners in policy and business who desperately need those insights to achieve their goals in improving the world, by making our publishing activities more visible to our key communities through a variety of channels.

The Economics & Finance eBook collection aligns with Sustainable Development Goals:

1 No Poverty

2 Zero Hunger

3 Good Health and Well Being

4 Quality Education

5 Gender Equality

6 Clean Water and Santitation 

7 Affordable and Clean Energy

8 Decent Work and Economic Growth

9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

10 Reduced Inequalities

11 Sustainable Cities and Communities

12 Responsible Consumption and Production

13 Climate Action

14 Life Below Water

15 Life on Land

16 Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

17 Partnerships for the Goals