
The Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) highlighted again the dangers of climate change. Limiting global warning to a maximum of 1.5°C is still possible but only if humanity takes significant further action now to rapidly cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. At the same time one third of humanity uses dangerous and unsafe cooking systems and three quarters of a billion people have no access to electrical power.  

Concerns about the climate and lack of access to clean and affordable energy have prompted research efforts worldwide to explore renewable energy sources, improve energy efficiency and reduce energy costs. If we can address both, we can help prevent an environmental catastrophe for our planet while improving the health and standards of living of hundreds of millions.

In this fast-paced technological and political environment ¹ú²úÂÒÂ×’s inter-disciplinary Energy eBook collection helps readers makes sense of developments. Giving insights and deeper understanding of the science, engineering and social sciences that lie beneath today’s rapid global changes in energy generation, transmission, storage and use and the political issues that surround them.

179 titles in the collection

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The Energy eBook collection offers a rich mix of book types for all user groups: students, faculty, researchers, and professionals. Making it an unparalleled resource to excel research and learning. All books are available without DRM, making them accessible simultaneously by an unlimited number of users.

Subdisplines & Emerging Fields

  • Renewable and Green Energy 
  • Energy Systems 
  • Energy Policy, Economics and Management
  • Power Elecronics, Electrical Machines and Networks 
  • Fossil Fuels (including Carbon Capture)

Sustainable Development Goals Programme

¹ú²úÂÒÂ×’s Development Goals (SDG) Programme aims to connect the researchers who are tackling the world’s toughest challenges with the practitioners in policy and business who desperately need those insights to achieve their goals in improving the world, by making our publishing activities more visible to our key communities through a variety of channels.

The Energy eBook collection aligns with Sustainable Development Goals:

1 No Poverty

4 Quality Education

6 Clean Water and Sanitation

7 Affordable and Clean Energy

9 Industry Innovation & Infrastructure

10 Reduced Inequalities

11 Sustainable Cities and Communities 

13 Climate Action