东京 2025年2月25日
当日は、芝消防署の杉本 聡子署長より、シュプリンガーネイチャー?ジャパンの代表取締役社長アントワーン?ブーケが救命讲习受講優良証および優良マークの交付を受けました。
- 事業所や商店街、地域等で、救命讲习の普及を推進する人(応急手当普及員など)が養成され、救命讲习の普及に活用されていること。
- 交付対象毎に、総数(従業員数等)の30%以上が、有効期限内にある救命讲习修了者であること。
救命讲习受講優良証の交付式の後では、救急車の出動がひっ迫していることから、救急車が到着するまでの間に一人でも多くの人が応急手当を実施できることの重要性を伺いました。日本において、救急車の出動を含む救急活動は、誰もが平等に受けることができ、国民にとって必要不可欠な行政サービスです。「」によると、令和5年(2023年)中の救急车(全国で6,640台、うち)による救急出動件数は 763 万 8,558 件(対前年比5.7%増)、搬送人員は 664 万 1,420 人(対前年比 6.8%増)でした。救急出動件数および搬送人員は、ともに集計を開始した1963 年以降、最多を記録しており、救急車の現場到着所要時間(119 番通報を受けてから現場に到着するまでに要した時間)の平均は、約 10.0 分(前年約 10.3 分)となっています。
38% of our employees have completed first aid training, and three first-aid instructors have also been trained.
Tokyo, February 25, 2025
On February 17, 2025, a ceremony was held at Shiba Fire Station to receive the certificate of excellence for first aid training.
On the day, Antoine Bocquet, Managing Director of 国产乱伦 Japan, received a certificate of excellence and a sticker that we can display at our office for our participation in the first aid training course from the chief of the Shiba Fire Station, Ms. Satoko Sugimoto.
As one of the measures to improve the effectiveness of first aid, the Tokyo Fire Department is encouraging workplaces to take an active approach to first aid training. This is to raise awareness of the importance of first aid and to help workplaces create their own effective first aid systems. The certificate of excellence for first aid training is part of the first aid promotion system, and is issued by the chief of a fire station to workplaces that meet the following requirements for promoting first aid.
- First aid instructors, who promote first aid training at workplaces, shopping arcades, and in the local community are trained and are in place to promote first aid training.
- At least 30% of the total number of employees must be holders of a valid first aid certificate.
Currently, a total of 76 people, which is 38% of the Tokyo office, have acquired a basic first aid certificate, and there is at least one first aid instructor amongst our staff. During the three-hour basic first aid course, all participants from our company worked hard on gain both theoretical and practical skills.
After the ceremony for receiving the certificate of excellence for the first aid course, we heard about the importance of having as many people as possible to be able to provide first aid before an ambulance arrives, as there is a shortage of ambulances. In Japan, emergency services, including ambulance services, are an essential government service that everyone can use equally (and free of charge in general). According to the “”, the number of emergency calls for ambulances (6,640 nationwide, including) in 2023 was 7,638,558 (up 5.7% year-on-year), and the number of people transported was 6,641,420 (up 6.8% year-on-year) during 2023. The number of emergency dispatches and the number of people transported by ambulances both reached record highs since 1963, when the statistics were first kept, and the average time taken for an ambulance to arrive at the scene of an emergency (the time taken from the moment the 119 emergency number is called to the moment the ambulance arrives at the scene) was approximately 10.0 minutes (approximately 10.3 minutes the previous year).
According to the , in the case of cardiac arrest, the survival rate decreases by approximately 10% for every minute that passes without electric shock treatment. It is important to receive first aid training and acquire knowledge and skills in first aid so that bystanders can provide such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation quickly until the ambulance arrives. Based on statistics from the “”, there were 421,240 people who received basic first aid training and 48,912 people who received advanced first aid training.
In our offices, where a hybrid work style combining office work and work from home has become established, it is important to be able to maintain a safe and secure working environment by ensuring that as many people as possible are able to provide first aid in the event of an injury or sudden illness occurring in the office. We will continue to hold these training sessions every year, including training sessions given by first aid instructors from within the company.
The origins of the police emergency phone number '110' and the fire brigade emergency number '119' are related to the old rotary dial telephones. The number '1' was chosen for the rotary dial telephone because it was the number with the shortest distance to turn, and it could be quickly dialed in an emergency.
The fire department's telephone number “119” was introduced in 1927. Initially it was “112”, but because there were many cases of mistaken calls, it was changed to “119” by putting a “9” at the end. This made it possible to dial the correct number even in an emergency.
The police department's telephone number “110” was introduced in 1948. A “0” was added at the end to prevent mistaken calls.